It seems that I am being eaten alive by the mega-maggot called LIFE. Its not cause for alarm
or an invitation for unsolicited faith-based rebuttals of solitude. Its just where I am in my head.
I never said that being me was easy, only that it was easy to ignore when I'm on autopilot. My
NORMAL sign is flashing and apparently the captain has not turned it off yet. I can turn off the sides of me that are unfavorable to most...but do I really want to?
Social network sites rock as they allow people from all walks of life to essence...socialize. E-friendships (I used to believe) have merit, do they not? Aren't these non-entities that I have never met in person my friends? Do they not have my best interest at heart? and for that matter, the 50 or so people that rest sweetly on my amigos page, do they really care whats been going on with me since 1991? I think not.
We've fooled ourselves into believing that humans are fallible but still very lovable and caring. The joke is on you, comrade. People (eventually) suck. sorry chums, but there is no easier (or more PC) way to phrase it. The ins and outs of life have made our skins tough and our hearts cold...but still beating like a hammer. We ARE the "cold ones". You don't have to be undead or a blood sucker to be just have to be alive. In living, you undoubtedly have encountered situations and people and places that are messy & untame. We've all sinned and fallen short and we have all learned some very hard lessons.
Life sucks...and yet...our hearts keep beating like hammers. Hoping and praying for things to solidify and become...REAL.
~ Chelsie
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