A Toast to the Extraordinary Damsel of Imagination Station

My Blog Is Unlike Any Other Blog in that it is written by a strange & unusual woman who fancies herself a better writer than she lets on & something of a character to boot. Her wit & seemingly narcissistic trinkets of wisdom are full of comedic candor which come straight from her imaginary (but very real) friend Harvey, the 6'1 tall white rabbit who is also a Pooka, and a very good friend to Mr. Elwood P. Dowd, the person to whom credit must be given. He inspires the darling Chel to always (and almost to a fault) be herself. Charmed, I'm sure.

Being far more than a true credit to her sex, Michelle's presence in this world lends hope to the masses...unbeknownst to them. She is called to be The Caretaker, The Protector, The Warrior Princess in The Army Of Christ. She has the unique gift of SEEing and it has equipped her to handle whatever comes her way, be it national disasters or battling rogue spirits, she is the Chosen One. So give homage where it is so rightfully due and tread softly on her Blog...

Adieu, mon ami...

Friday, February 25, 2011

Etsy E-boutique Sneak Peak: "Ruffles, Ribbons & Bows"

Owner: Michelle Dowell

'Ruffles, Ribbons & Bows' is a new business I've started & I LOVE it! I make hand-crafted accessories for babies, kids, and even adults! Headbands or hair clips with mutli-layered specialty bows, embellished flowers, or my one-of-a-kind flower bows: flowers w/decorative bows in them!I hand-create everything from baby hats & headbands to hair-clips & headbands for kids or adults. Have a special dress or outfit that you want me to match for you or your little one? Send me a pic & I'll create a coordinating bow or flower, just for you! Check out the pics below. My Etsy boutique will be open soon! 
Thanks for looking & God Bless!

Every flower is hand-crafted. I DO NOT buy flowers or bows already put together and embellish them. Each of my flowers or bows is, literally, hand-created & hand-crafted. I love my creations & take pain-staking efforts to make them special. ;-)

One of my Flower/Bow combinations. So pretty!

Another Flower Bow/ Butterfly Embellishment

Notice the butterfly embellishment? Sweet!

 I even cover the alligator clips sometimes, for an even cuter look!
Beautiful flower embellished with rhinestone.
Two mini bow clips...
A multi-layered bow. I love making these. Notice the ice-cream cones on the purple ribbon. Yummy!
Baby headband w/a specialty multi-layered bow. Super Adorable!
A more detailed view...
Me sporting the multi-layered loop bow.
These bows are awesome because they are super adorable on your baby, toddler, kids, or on you! 

TLC What About Your Friends ~ Official Video

Who is real and who is faux? Only God knows...

They 'LIKE BUTTON' Me, they "LIKE BUTTON' me not...

So today is a better day than yesterday. My insensitive husband was driving me insane (men are idiots) & Arden was extra hyper & tore through the house like the Tazmanian devil. That added to the fact that my monthly gift had come early, bringing along with it abdomen cramps, back-pain, headaches, nausea, and a sour disposition...well...I was just plain down & out yesterday. 

Today is a new day and it is already looking up. I've decided to stay away from FB for a bit. That, in the past, has seemed a difficult feat to accomplish. i'm a bit addicted to FB. But I can see where the site has a negative affect on me. For instance, if I post something about my new business venture and barely anyone says anything about it, especially people I see all the time, I get angry. Especially when those same people support others who have a business and always compliments their work. Or, say I mention a cute thing Arden has done or said to me that day and the comments are null and void. Then I see another person in my set has posted that their child is soooooo cute because they breathed or something, and all of the same friends that said nothing to my post click the 'Like' button a million times and gush over 'how sweet!' it is. Seriously??? Am I back in High School, where only the popular people got any attention and the poor non-entities who failed to pass the popularity test are ostracized & ignored??? I sincerely hope not since most of the people I engage myself with are supposed to be Christians and therefore, should walk in love towards ALL men, not just the ones they deem fit.

In lieu of my strong feelings (which may be attributed to my lovely cramps & nausea), I've decided to walk away for a couple of days from FB. Maybe I'll take an extended hiatus. To me, its just not worth it feeling angry at people because they aren't e-cordial. I also tend to reveal too much of my inner feelings via my Notes section or my post updates. If I'm depressed, I write that I'm depressed. If I'm angry or upset, I post songs from youtube that reflect my mood. But do I really ( I mean, REALLY) want these people who don't even care if I live or die, go to Heaven or Hell...do I really want them knowing my personal business? Because whether I explain WHY I feel the way I do, I'm still telling them that I'm not happy with my life. That is none of their business. Negative or melancholy posts only alert them to start gossiping about what your issues may be. I have learned that people would much rather see you sad than happy. When I write about a new article I've written on ezinearticles.com or that we're fixing up the house or how God has Blessed me in some way, do you know how many 'LIKE"s I get on my page? Let me put it to ya this way...you can hear the crickets chirping...loudly.

In the end (and the beginning), the only one who can save us is Christ. Being a Christian isn't easy in this life, but I couldn't be anything else. I love The Lord and I know, even in those sad depressing times, that He will deliver me from my troubles. It may not happen when I want it to (it rarely does), but it Will happen when its time. Thats how God operates. In the meantime, I think I'll leave the phony e-friends alone for a spell. I'll probably even step back from the phony 'real' friends, as well. I just don't see the point in trying to cultivate relationships with those who can't even be bothered to click "LIKE" on my FB page. Apparently, they wouldn't click "LIKE" on me, if I had a button. Who knows & who cares? All I care about is that God pushed my "LOVE" button a long time ago when I made Him Lord & Savior of my life...and thats all that really matters. ;-)


Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Human Condition: Help, I'm Alive!

It seems that I am being eaten alive by the mega-maggot called LIFE. Its not cause for alarm
or an invitation for unsolicited faith-based rebuttals of solitude. Its just where I am in my head.
I never said that being me was easy, only that it was easy to ignore when I'm on autopilot. My
NORMAL sign is flashing and apparently the captain has not turned it off yet. I can turn off the sides of me that are unfavorable to most...but do I really want to?

Social network sites rock as they allow people from all walks of life to ...in essence...socialize. E-friendships (I used to believe) have merit, do they not? Aren't these non-entities that I have never met in person my friends? Do they not have my best interest at heart? and for that matter, the 50 or so people that rest sweetly on my amigos page, do they really care whats been going on with me since 1991? I think not.

We've fooled ourselves into believing that humans are fallible but still very lovable and caring. The joke is on you, comrade. People (eventually) suck. sorry chums, but there is no easier (or more PC) way to phrase it. The ins and outs of life have made our skins tough and our hearts cold...but still beating like a hammer. We ARE the "cold ones". You don't have to be undead or a blood sucker to be frozen...you just have to be alive. In living, you undoubtedly have encountered situations and people and places that are messy & untame. We've all sinned and fallen short and we have all learned some very hard lessons.
Life sucks...and yet...our hearts keep beating like hammers. Hoping and praying for things to solidify and become...REAL.

~ Chelsie

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Made For Each Other

Oh what a film! Boy do I wish for this time period again. Well, maybe I'd have to be white in order to avoid the subservient lifestyle that African Americans were forced to lead back then, but I'd have LOVED to visit...even if I really wouldn't want to live there! ;-)

"Happy bridegroom, you-hoo!"

Sadly enough, people no longer speak in that manner to one another. I'm a cinch, but most 31-year-old women wouldn't even recognize that previous phrase as one of yesteryears long gone. And gee golly day, do I love vintage slang!

Well, I'd better be off. I'm due in the kitchen for a rendevous with some pots and pans. We're pretty chummy, that way.

Tata, Darrrrlllings!

~Chelsie, Dear

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Me, Myself & Ice-Cream

So yes, we ALL adore ice-cream. Its truly one of the greatest pleasures in the world. And you can't make the excuse that you are lactose intolerant as there are many versions of ice-cream now. Thanks to our vegan & allergic population, we have so many kinds of ice-cream to choose from. I LOVE Rice Dream ice-cream, made from rice-milk. There is also Soy Dream ice cream and many others that will please even the pickiest of palettes. So we have established ice-creams creamy yumminess. Its sweet, it fills you up and makes you feel like you are on top of the world (until your spoon hits the bottom of the pint).

So what could be better than a million flavors of ice-cream, all the time, everyday???

Um...how  about cavities? No one ever associates a root canal with excessive sweets, but I'm sure along the line, they were there, aiding the ruination of your teeth.

What about diabetes? Taking insulin twice a day is no fun. Trust me, I do it everyday. And taking oral medication along with it? Just so much fun! I can't wait to jam myself in the thigh with a needle tonight!

So what to make of my over-the-top sarcasm? Why am I ragging on one of Americas fave desserts of all time? Not to make an enemy of 31 Flavors, thats for sure. Dairy Queen is my BFF (when my blood glucose is low).

I'm merely using ice-cream to illustrate a point: Too much of anything is not good for us, even if that thing seems to be the epitome of goodness.

For instance...friends. Friends can sometimes be like ice-cream. Ok, hear me out.

You have maybe one or two good friends that you see occasionally. Thats cool. An occasional frozen treat is good for the soul. But lets say that you have a tendency to hang out with lots of friends at one time, often. Some are sweet, some are tart, and some are just way too decadent to be ingested on a regular basis. They are negative Nellys. They either are Eyore-Sad, moping about life, or they are infectious leeches who put you down, berate your parenting methods AND your kids, and generally are never happy for your achievements. Too many  scoops...too many pints...just plain old brain freeze. Not wanted or needed.

Either way, you find out pretty quickly that a little goes a long way. If you are eating too much ice-cream, you get sick. It no longer tastes good; just sticky & gooey and gives you a stomach-ache.

What to do, what to do?

Get a new dessert? Naw, there is nothing wrong with sweets. and there is nothing wrong with friends. Just make sure that you have the right ones and that they won't contaminate your system. And just remember...like ice-cream...you don't need a million friends. Just a few great ones that will add to the enjoyment in your life & full-fill your sweet tooth. Good friends. Good times. Great ice-cream. ;-)

~Sugarfree Chelly

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Getcha Head in the Arts & Crafts Game!!!

So I'm just showing some of my work as of late...

       I'm really into making ruffles & fabric flowers now. Its my new hobby & eventually...

   ..... it will lead to bigger and better things. At least that's what God is leading me to do.

The finished product. I'm so proud!

This is one of my recent projects... Like???

Me likes!

This little barrette was used with leftovers...it is OK. I've gotten better at it since then.

We shall see what the future holds for this new chapter of my arts & crafts. I STILL have to finish three novels, my children's book series, AND my period-play. Whew! I'm going to be one busy (sexy) lady for the next several years!

Ciao darlings!

~Empress of the Arts (& Crafts) 

new christmas commercial 12-2010.wmv

Its a New Year and therefore, you are a 'New You'! Let me help the Hottie in you shine! Visit my e-store at http://www.youravon.com/michelledowell to get you started. xoxo

Monday, February 7, 2011

Alisper - With You In My Head

I'm SO in love with the entire Twilight film series so far. I'm waiting with baited breath for the next movie...Bella, preggy? Awesome!


This was just a quickie. Not a whole post. Was it as good for you as it was for me?


Adieu, mon ami...

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

In the Mouth of Sorority Madness...

So the idea of censorship sucks...especially when the censoring would be done by yours truly to me,myself, & I. Nooo, I'm not a narcissist at all.

It feels so good to write. Online, where most do not know me and those who do don't give a flying monkey about me or my thoughts, so any danger of my blog posing a threat to me is null and void; practically nonexistent. And thats a good thing! And yes, while I admittedly wish that the idiots I know would grace my blog and at least pretend that they care to know who I am, I simultaneously am secretly loving the fact that candor is on my side. I can be myself (in all of my misunderstood glory) and keep the fear of being "exposed" at bay...at least until my worst fears come true and my blog gets some followers. Until then I'll happily wade in the waters of denial and blab to my heart's content.

My prattle is pretty much that: nonsense that rolls around in my head, seeps out of my pores, and finds its way from my fingertips to the great & powerful OZ...i.e. my blog.

I don't pretend to ever know what I'm talking about and yet, I seem to harbor the wisdom of ages long since forgotten. That I do. My mind is an oracle of sorts just waiting to pour its contents out to the highest bidder. But then no one ever shows up to the auction and therefore my information remains quarantined in my head. Why taint others with something they are not ready to fend off? Because more or less, when you get down to it, all of what I am and everything I know is just too much to handle. so I remain the genie in a bottle floating atop the sea of life.

Hey! Extra, Extra, Read all about it!!! I have a business idea! God has given me Wisdom and with that, the idea for a great business. I'm as psyched as an 80's kid for a Big Mac! Truly 2011 is going to be the best year ever. I'm evolving. Awww! I'm growing up!

And then (in non-chronological fashion) I have also found out something important. Christians that claim to be so loving and all-encompassing are full of bull. I myself am a Christian and in no ways prejudice. But I've found that some people I trusted are just plain racially biased like a lot of Texans. I'm appalled at my findings but being ostracized in three covens and being practically the only brown gal in them, I'm pretty much done. My rationalizations are not just in my head...others have observed the exact same thing from afar. Now what do I do? I'm in (in name only) like Flin. Well, all things considered, I don't need more friends. I can barely handle the one's I've had for years. New people exhaust me. Once I find out that my loyalty has been misplaced (yet again) I just go AWOL. I'm in the race but not of the race. That's okay by me. I'll never be accepted for who I am and I would NEVER want to melt into the crowd (especially a collection of simpletons). I'd rather drink Arsenic and hang myself with old lace. Carey Grant had the right idea in that film. When in doubt, send the nuts to the looney bin. And when all else fails, if you can't beat them, join them...the crazies, that is.

Being normal is WAY overrated.

"Say goodnight, Dick. Goodnight Dick."

~Empress of lost Covens