A Toast to the Extraordinary Damsel of Imagination Station

My Blog Is Unlike Any Other Blog in that it is written by a strange & unusual woman who fancies herself a better writer than she lets on & something of a character to boot. Her wit & seemingly narcissistic trinkets of wisdom are full of comedic candor which come straight from her imaginary (but very real) friend Harvey, the 6'1 tall white rabbit who is also a Pooka, and a very good friend to Mr. Elwood P. Dowd, the person to whom credit must be given. He inspires the darling Chel to always (and almost to a fault) be herself. Charmed, I'm sure.

Being far more than a true credit to her sex, Michelle's presence in this world lends hope to the masses...unbeknownst to them. She is called to be The Caretaker, The Protector, The Warrior Princess in The Army Of Christ. She has the unique gift of SEEing and it has equipped her to handle whatever comes her way, be it national disasters or battling rogue spirits, she is the Chosen One. So give homage where it is so rightfully due and tread softly on her Blog...

Adieu, mon ami...

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Midnight Madness

Why can I not be normal? I mean, it shouldn't be this difficult a task to execute. 
If Cary Grant could do it and my dear 
George Sanders before he left that 
suicide note. Then why am I having 
trouble achieving this very small goal? 

It has always been my cross to bear...
being abnormal (the PC term is 'unique').
I've always dreamed of dancing in the 
minefields with lollipop lips and 
baby-bearing hips swaying in the breeze, just flabbergasted by life and with no 
care in the world...letting go.

They talk about Beauty and the Beast, but what of Beauty & her Breakdown?

People frown upon the mere mention of 
mental instability. Why? In my eyes...
insanity is a comfortable blanket under 
which the entire world should slumber. 

Sweet dreams to the chosen ones.


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